all postcodes in NW1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the NW1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NW / North West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NW1 9AA 49 2 51.548495 -0.130062
NW1 9AB 62 2 51.548085 -0.129718
NW1 9AG 12 0 51.547959 -0.128976
NW1 9AH 20 0 51.547961 -0.129262
NW1 9AJ 14 0 51.547921 -0.12847
NW1 9AL 12 1 51.547464 -0.127828
NW1 9AN 24 1 51.54771 -0.128781
NW1 9AP 32 0 51.547447 -0.129196
NW1 9AR 40 0 51.547155 -0.128905
NW1 9AS 55 0 51.547134 -0.12817
NW1 9AT 19 0 51.546483 -0.12739
NW1 9AU 19 2 51.545765 -0.126914
NW1 9AX 49 0 51.546268 -0.128033
NW1 9AY 32 4 51.546797 -0.129006
NW1 9BA 1 1 51.548155 -0.129629
NW1 9NX 21 10 51.539715 -0.142149
NW1 9BG 11 0 51.547524 -0.129539
NW1 9BH 17 6 51.547213 -0.129754
NW1 9BJ 97 0 51.546597 -0.130572
NW1 9BL 32 0 51.54661 -0.129721